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ParlayLib is a C++ library for developing efficient parallel algorithms and software on shared-memory multicore machines. It provides additional tools and primitives that go beyond what is available in the C++ standard library, and simplifies the task of programming provably efficient and scalable parallel algorithms. It consists of a sequence data type (analogous to std::vector), many parallel routines and algorithms, a work-stealing scheduler to support nested parallelism, and a scalable memory allocator. It has been developed over a period of seven years and used in a variety of software including the PBBS benchmark suite, the Ligra, Julienne, and Aspen graph processing frameworks, the Graph Based Benchmark Suite, and the PAM library for parallel balanced binary search trees, and an implementation of the TPC-H benchmark suite.

Parlay is designed to be reasonably portable by being built upon mostly standards-compliant modern C++. It builds on GCC and Clang on Linux, GCC and Apple Clang on OSX, and Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) and MinGW on Windows. It is also tested on GCC and Clang via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and Cygwin.

Getting started

See the including and configuring guide for instructions on installing Parlay and including it in your program. Parlay is a header-only library with no external dependencies, so once you’ve got it, its really easy to use. The most important components of Parlay to become familiarized with are the parallel for loop, the sequence container, and Parlay’s library of parallel algorithms. As an example, here is an implementation of a prime number seive using Parlay.

#include <parlay/parallel.h>
#include <parlay/primitives.h>
#include <parlay/sequence.h>

parlay::sequence<long> prime_sieve(long n) {
  if (n < 2) return parlay::sequence<long>();
  else {
    long sqrt = std::sqrt(n);
    auto primes_sqrt = prime_sieve(sqrt);
    parlay::sequence<bool> flags(n+1, true);  // flags to mark the primes
    flags[0] = flags[1] = false;              // 0 and 1 are not prime
    parlay::parallel_for(0, primes_sqrt.size(), [&] (size_t i) {
      long prime = primes_sqrt[i];
      parlay::parallel_for(2, n/prime + 1, [&] (size_t j) {
        flags[prime * j] = false;
    }, 1);
    return parlay::filter(parlay::iota<long>(n+1),
                          [&](size_t i) { return flags[i]; });

This code demonstrates several of the key features mentioned above. The parallel for loop parlay::parallel_for(i,j,f) iterates over the range [i,j) and invokes the function f at each index. The parlay::sequence container holds an array of bools that is suitable for parallel computation (it is initialized and destructed in parallel). The parlay::filter algorithm takes a range and a predicate and returns a sequence consisting of copies of the elements of the range for which the predicate returns true. iota(n) returns a sequence consisting of the elements 0 to n-1.


Documentation for Parlay is an ongoing effort.

Getting started

Data types

Parlay’s core data types make it easy to work in parallel over collections of items. The sequence data type is analagous to std::vector and should be your default container when using Parlay.


Parlay’s algorithms are designed to provide near-state-of-the-art performance and scalability for working on large datasets. Parlay supports parallel versions of the majority of the C++ standard library, and much more.

Other tools

Parlay includes additional tools that make it easier to write parallel and concurrent code.