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Usage: #include <parlay/delayed.h>

parlay::delayed is a library for collection-oriented programming with delayed sequences. Collection-oriented programming is a paradigm of working with a sequence of data and applying composable operations such as map, reduce, filter, and scan to obtain some desired output. Delayed sequences are sequences that generate their elements on demand rather than storing them in memory. Their use in conjunction with collection-oriented programming can save significant amounts of memory and substantially improve the performance of memory-bound algorithms. A full list of algorithms in the library can be found below.

The parlay::delayed library is based on our research group’s recent work on parallel block-delayed sequences (Westrick, Rainey, Anderson, and Belloch; PPoPP ‘22), and inspired by the recent C++ ranges library.


Example: A prime sieve

For example, consider the problem of determining all of the prime numbers up to some integer n. One suboptimal way to implement this is like so.

parlay::sequence<long> primes(long n) {
  if (n < 2) return parlay::sequence<long>();
  long sqrt_n = std::sqrt(n); 
  auto sqrt_primes = primes(sqrt_n);
  parlay::sequence flags(n+1, true);
  auto sieves = parlay::map(sqrt_primes, [&] (long p) {
      return parlay::tabulate(n/p - 1, [&] (long m) {
          return (m+2)*p;
  auto s = parlay::flatten(sieves);
  parlay::parallel_for(0, s.size(), [&] (size_t i) {
      flags[s[i]] = false;
  flags[0] = flags[1] = false;
  return parlay::filter(parlay::iota(n+1), [&](size_t i) { return flags[i]; });

This program makes use of the flatten primitive which takes a sequence of sequences and flattens it down into a single sequence. Although this program is highly parallel, it could be a lot more efficient, because it allocates quite a lot of memory. The seives variable stores a sequence of sequences of integers, then s stores a flattened copy of that sequence. To improve this, we can make use of delayed sequences. The first optimization is simply to use a delayed sequence in place of the inner sequence of seive, replacing parlay::tabulate on Line 7 with parlay::delayed_tabulate. This saves us from storing the intermediate sequences. Of course, the s sequence still exists and makes a copy of everything in sieves, so there is more memory to be saved.

To save more memory, we can replace parlay::flatten with parlay::delayed::flatten. Instead of generating the flattened sequence eagerly, delayed::flatten creates the flattened sequence on demand as it is iterated. Because of this, the result of delayed::flatten (and indeed most of the algorithms in the delayed library) is not a random-access sequence. It is a special kind of sequence called a block-iterable sequence, which is the underlying representation of most of the results of most algorithms in parlay::delayed. In order to make use of such a sequence, we can either use it as the input into a another delayed algorithm, or we can use a terminal algorithm, which takes a block-iterable sequence and returns a result that we can use. One such algorithm is parlay::delayed::for_each (a.k.a. parlay::delayed::apply), which takes a block-iterable sequence, invokes a given function on each element in parallel, and returns nothing. Applying this to the above code, we arrive at

parlay::sequence<long> primes(long n) {
  if (n < 2) return parlay::sequence<long>();
  long sqrt_n = std::sqrt(n);
  auto sqrt_primes = primes(sqrt_n);
  parlay::sequence flags(n+1, true);
  auto sieves = parlay::map(sqrt_primes, [&] (long p) {
      return parlay::delayed_tabulate(n/p - 1, [=] (long m) {
          return (m+2)*p;
  auto s = parlay::block_delayed::flatten(sieves);
  parlay::block_delayed::apply(s, [&] (long j) { flags[j] = false; });
  flags[0] = flags[1] = false;
  return parlay::filter(parlay::iota(n+1), [&](size_t i) { return flags[i]; });

Since delayed::flatten iterates over the flattened sequence on demand rather than creating and storing it explicitly, this version of the program stores no intermediate sequences. The only sequences stored are the recursive sqprimes and flags, which is used to obtain the result. The resulting code is therefore 2.2x faster on 72 cores than the original code that stored all of the intermediate results. This version of the code is even 13% faster than the double nested for-loop example for prime sieving depicted in the getting started guide.

Example: Addition with carry propagation

Consider the following algorithm for adding two larger integers, represented as sequences of bytes (unsigned char) in base 128.

using digit = unsigned char;
using bignum = parlay::sequence<digit>;
constexpr unsigned char BASE = 128;

auto big_add(const bignum& A, const bignum & B) {
  size_t n = A.size();
  auto sums = parlay::tabulate(n, [&] (size_t i) -> digit {
    return A[i] + B[i];  });
  auto f = [] (digit a, digit b) -> digit { // carry propagate
    return (b == BASE-1) ? a : b;  };
  auto [carries, total] = parlay::scan(sums, parlay::make_monoid(f, digit(BASE-1)));

  auto r = parlay::tabulate(n, [&, &carries = carries] (size_t i) -> digit {
    return ((carries[i] >= BASE) + sums[i]) % BASE;  });
  return r;

This algorithm makes use of the parlay::scan primitive for computing prefix sums. Note that like the previous example, it stores a lot of intermediate results which waste memory. Firstly to speed it up, we can store the sums sequence as delayed sequence by replacing parlay::tabulate with parlay::delayed_tabulate. Then, we can also turn the result of the scan into a delayed sequence by replacing parlay::scan with parlay::delayed::scan. Since delayed scan returns a block-iterable sequence, we can not perform the final tabulate on it since it requires random-access into the sequence. Since the final tabulate loops over corresponding elements of carries and sums, we can use the zip_with primitive, which, given a collection of ranges, produces a single range whose elements are computed based on the corresponding element from each input range. The final result is then obtained by converting the output to an ordinary sequence via the terminal operation to_sequence. The final resulting code looks like this.

auto big_add(const bignum& A, const bignum & B) {
  size_t n = A.size();
  auto sums = parlay::delayed_tabulate(n, [&] (size_t i) -> digit {
    return A[i] + B[i]; });
  auto f = [] (digit a, digit b) -> digit { // carry propagate
    return (b == BASE-1) ? a : b;};
  auto [carries, total] = parlay::delayed::scan(sums, f, digit(BASE-1));

  auto mr = parlay::delayed::zip_with([](digit carry, digit sum) -> digit {
    return ((carry >= BASE) + sum) % BASE;
  }, carries, sums);
  auto r = parlay::delayed::to_sequence(mr);
  return r;

Since all of the intermediate operations are delayed, this program uses substantially less memory than the original one, and this results in a 3.1x speedup on 72 cores.

Consider the parallel implementation of breadth-first search given below. It maintains the current frontier of the search in a sequence frontier, and each iteration, in parallel, computes the outgoing edges of the frontier and computes the set of vertices adjacent to the frontier that have not already been visited. Since the same vertex could be visited by multiple neighbours in the same round, a compare_exchange operation is used to set the parent of a vertex, and ensure that only the winning copy ends up in the next round.

using vertexId = int;
using adjList = parlay::sequence<parlay::sequence<vertexId>>;

parlay::sequence<vertexId> BFS(const adjList& G, vertexId start) {
  size_t n = G.size();
  auto parent = parlay::tabulate<std::atomic<vertexId>>(n, [&](size_t) { return -1; });
  parent[start] = start;
  parlay::sequence<vertexId> frontier(1,start);

  while (frontier.size() > 0) {

    // get out edges of the frontier and flatten
    auto nested_edges = parlay::map(frontier, [&] (vertexId u) {
      return parlay::tabulate(G[u].size(), [&, u] (size_t i) {
        return std::make_pair(u, G[u][i]);});});
    auto edges = parlay::flatten(nested_edges);

    // keep the v from (u,v) edges that succeed in setting the parent array at v to u
    auto edge_f = [&] (auto&& u_v) {
      vertexId expected = -1;
      auto [u, v] = u_v;
      return (parent[v] == -1) && parent[v].compare_exchange_strong(expected, u);
    frontier = parlay::map(parlay::filter(edges, edge_f), [](auto&& x) { return x.second; });

  // convert from atomic to regular sequence
  return parlay::map(parent, [] (auto&& x) { return x.load(); });

The most interesting operations are the use of flatten and filter. The parlay::flatten operation is used to combine the sequence of outgoing edges for each vertex in the frontier into a single sequence of outgoing edges. The parlay::filter operation is used to ensure that only only copy of each new vertex is added to the new frontier. In this example, both of these operations generate an intermediate sequence that is potentially wasteful of memory. To improve performance, we can delay the edges sequence by both converting the parlay::map into parlay::delayed::map, parlay::tabulate to a parlay::delayed_tabulate and then using parlay::delayed::flatten in place of parlay::flatten.

The next thing that be improved with delaying is the filtering of the next frontier. We could replace parlay::map(parlay::filter(... with their delayed equivalents, however, it turns out that there is a more efficient primitive for this combination of operations (a filter followed immediately by a map). The algorithm parlay::delayed::map_maybe takes as input, a range and a function of the elements of that range that produces an optional. The result of map_maybe is a range consisting of the values that were present inside the non-empty optionals when the function is applied over the range. This primitive is substantially more efficient than a manual combination of map and filter. Lastly, since frontier must be a parlay::sequence for the next iteration, we use parlay::delayed::to_sequence to convert the result of the sequence of delayed operations into a regular (non-delayed) sequence. The brings us to the following implementation.

parlay::sequence<vertexId> BFS(const adjList& G, vertexId start) {
  size_t n = G.size();
  auto parent = parlay::tabulate<std::atomic<vertexId>>(n, [&](size_t) { return -1; });
  parent[start] = start;
  parlay::sequence<vertexId> frontier(1,start);

  while (frontier.size() > 0) {

    // get out edges of the frontier and flatten
    auto nested_edges = parlay::delayed::map(frontier, [&] (vertexId u) {
      return parlay::delayed_tabulate(G[u].size(), [&, u] (size_t i) {
        return std::make_pair(u, G[u][i]);});});
    auto edges = parlay::delayed::flatten(nested_edges);

    // keep the v from (u,v) edges that succeed in setting the parent array at v to u
    auto edge_f = [&] (auto u_v) -> std::optional<vertexId> {
      vertexId expected = -1;
      auto [u, v] = u_v;
      if ((parent[v] == -1) && parent[v].compare_exchange_strong(expected, u))
        return std::make_optional(v);
      else return std::nullopt;

    frontier = parlay::delayed::to_sequence(parlay::delayed::map_maybe(edges, edge_f));

  // convert from atomic to regular sequence
  return parlay::map(parent, [] (auto&& x) { return x.load();});

In this case, the resulting delayed algorithm is 2.1x faster than the original non-delayed code.


Range operations

Delayed range operations produce a range of values as their output. For some operations and input combinations, the result may be a random-access range, but it is most often a block-iterable range. A block-iterable range can be used as input to another delayed range operation, or as input to a terminal operation, which will produce a non-delayed-range output.

Throughout the following descriptions, we will refer frequently to a range’s value type and its reference type. Informally, the reference type of a range is the type you get when you dereference one of its iterators. Confusingly, this need not be a reference-qualified type, because a delayed range could generate prvalues (temporaries)! The value type of a range is less well defined, but more or less means a type that can be used to store a non-dangling copy of an element of the range. Often, this is just the reference type with its cv and reference qualifiers removed, but need not be in all cases (see zip as an interesting example). Formally, these types are defined by the following traits:

Type Definition
range_iterator_type_t<R> decltype(std::begin(std::declval<R&>()))
range_value_type_t<R> std::iterator_traits<range_iterator_type_t<R>>::value_type
range_reference_type_t<R> std::iterator_traits<range_iterator_type_t<R>>::reference

Lifetime and iterator validity: Note, very importantly, that delayed range operations can take either an lvalue-reference to a range, or a moved or temporary range. In the first case, the delayed range will keep a reference to the underlying range, so the caller must ensure that the underlying range outlives the delayed range. Additionally, delayed ranges often store iterators to their underlying range, so it is required that once a delayed range is constructed with respect to an lvalue to an underlying range, no operations that could invalidate its iterators may be performed. If the underlying range is moved into or constructed from a temporary, then it is stored as a member of the delayed range, so its lifetime is tied to the delayed range and need not be managed by the caller. However, issues of iterator invalidation still apply. In particular, if the underlying range’s iterators are invalidated by moving it, then it can not be stored as a value and must be stored as a reference, since otherwise, its iterators could be invalidated after the delayed range is constructed but before it is moved to its final destination.

All of the following operations are defined in the namespace parlay::delayed.


template<typename Range, typename UnaryOperator>
auto map(Range&& r, UnaryOperator f)

The map operation takes as input a range r and a unary function f on the reference type of the range, and produces a delayed range consisting of the values obtained by applying f to each element of r. If r is a random-access range, then the result is also a random-access range. Otherwise, r must be a block-iterable range and the result will be a block-iterable range.

The reference type of the resulting range is the type returned by f on elements of r, or, formally, std::invoke_result_t<UnaryOperator&, range_reference_type_t<Range>>. The value type of the range is the same as the reference type but without cv or reference qualifiers. Note, perhaps usefully, that f need not return a type by value, but may return a reference-qualified type. In this case, the reference type of the resulting range will be reference qualified. If the return type of f is a prvalue (a.k.a. a temporary), the reference type of the resulting range is a prvalue.


template<typename Range>
auto scan(Range&& r)

template<typename Range, typename BinaryOperator>
auto scan(Range&& r, BinaryOperator f)

template<typename T, typename Range, typename BinaryOperator>
auto scan(Range&& r, BinaryOperator f, T identity)
template<typename Range>
auto scan_inclusive(Range&& r)

template<typename Range, typename BinaryOperator>
auto scan_inclusive(Range&& r, BinaryOperator f)

template<typename T, typename Range, typename BinaryOperator>
auto scan_inclusive(Range&& r, BinaryOperator f, T identity)

The scan operation takes as input a range r, a binary operator f, and an identity value identity, and produces the prefix sum of r with respect to the associative operator f with identity identity. scan returns a pair containing a range consisting of the (non-inclusive) prefix sums, and the total sum. scan_inclusive just returns a range consisting of the (inclusive) prefix sums. If not supplied, the binary operator defaults to addition (std::plus). If not supplied, the identity defaults to the default value of type T, which by default, is the value type of r. The input must be a random-access range or a block-iterable range, and the output is always a block-iterable range.

The reference and value type of the output range is T, so you should ensure that T is large enough to hold all possible results. For example, if you supply identity = 0, you are setting T to be int, regardless of the value type of r!


template<typename Range>
auto flatten(Range&& r) {

The flatten operation takes as input a range of ranges r and produces a range consisting of the elements of the inner ranges appended together. r may be either a random-access range or a block-iterable range, and the result is always a block-iterable range. The inner ranges must be at least a forward range.

The reference and value types of the resulting range are those of the inner ranges. For instance, if the inner ranges do not produce prvalues, then it is possible to modify the original range via the flattened range, since the flattened range refers directly to the elements of the original ranges. If the reference type of r is a prvalue, then the outer ranges are materialized and moved into the result object to avoid the risk of dangling. The reference and value types of the resulting range are then those of the (now materialized) inner ranges.


template<typename Range, typename UnaryPredicate>
auto filter(Range&& r, UnaryPredicate p)

The filter operation takes as input a range r and a unary predicate p on the reference type of r, and produces a range consisting of the elements of r for which p returns true. r may be either a random-access range or a block-iterable range, and the result is always a block-iterable range.

The reference and value types of the resulting range are the same as those of r. If the reference type of r is a reference, then it is possible to modify the elements of r via the filtered range. Since filter preserves the value category of the underlying range, it may be more efficient to use map_maybe / filter_op if the values are cheap-to-copy primitives (e.g. ints) and you don’t need to reference the original range. Consider using may_maybe / filter_op for better performance if this applies.

Map maybe / Filter op

template<typename Range, typename UnaryOperator>
auto map_maybe(Range&& r, UnaryOperator f)

template<typename Range, typename UnaryOperator>
auto filter_op(Range&& r, UnaryOperator f)  // Alias of map_maybe

The map maybe operation (a.k.a. fiter op) takes as input a range r and a unary function f on the reference type of r that returns instances of std::optional. It produces a range consisting of the values of the non-empty optionals obtained when applying f to the elements of r. It is in some sense therefore a more efficient implementation of a filter followed by a map. r may be either a random-access range or a block-iterable range, and the result is always a block-iterable range.

The value type of the range is the value type of the optional returned by f on the elements of r, or, formally, std::invoke_result_t<UnaryOperator, range_reference_type_t<Range>>::value_type. Map maybe precomputes the results of the optionals, so the reference type of the range is actually value_type&, which means that the caller may opt to move the value from the resulting range. The resulting values are only computed once, so if they are moved from, a subsequent iteration of the range will see moved-from values.


template<typename... Ranges>
auto zip(Ranges&&... rs)

The zip operation takes a list of (at least two) ranges rs and produces a range of tuples, where the i’th tuple contains the i’th element of each input range. The length of the zipped range is the length of the shortest range in rs. If all of the ranges rs are random-access ranges, then the result is a random-access range. Otherwise, all of the ranges in rs must be random-access ranges or block-iterable ranges, and the result is a block-iterable range.

The reference type of the zipped range is std::tuple<range_reference_type_t<Ranges>...>, and its value type is std::tuple<range_value_type_t<Ranges>...>. If the reference type of any of the underlying ranges is a reference, then it is possible to modify that original range via the zipped range.

Zip with

template<typename NaryOperator, typename... Ranges>
auto zip_with(NaryOperator f, Ranges&&... rs)

The zip with operation takes an N-ary function f and a list of N ranges rs, and produces a range where the i’th value is the result of applying f to the i’th element of each input range. zip_with is equivalent to a zip followed by a map, where the map function calls std::apply(f, t) for each tuple t in the zipped range. If all of the input ranges are random-access ranges, then the result is a random-access range. Otherwise all of the input ranges must be random-access ranges or block-iterable ranges, and the result is a block-iterable range.

The reference type of the resulting range is the type returned by f on the elements of rs, or, formally, std::invoke_result_t<NaryOperator&, range_reference_type_t<Ranges>...>. The value type of the range is the same as the reference type but without cv or reference qualifiers.


template<typename Range>
auto enumerate(Range&& r)

Enumerate takes a range and produces a range of pairs, such that the i’th pair consists of the integer i and the i’th element of r. It is equivalent to zip(parlay::iota(parlay::size(r)), r).

Terminal operations

Terminal operations take as input, a random-access delayed range or a block-iterable delayed range, and produce an output that is not a block-iterable range. These operations are also defined in the namespace parlay::delayed.

To sequence

template<typename Range>
auto to_sequence(Range&& r)

template<typename T, typename Alloc = /* default allocator */, typename Range>
auto to_sequence(Range&& r)

Given a range r, to sequence produces a parlay::sequence consisting of copies of the elements of r. By default, the value type of the sequence is the value type of r. To specify a different value type, the second overload can be used, which takes the desired value type, and optionally a custom allocator, to use for the sequence. The elements of the sequence will be explicitly initialized from the elements of the range, invoking any implicit or explicit conversion.


template<typename Range>
auto reduce(Range&& r)

template<typename Range, typename BinaryOperator>
auto reduce(Range&& r, BinaryOperator&& f)

template<typename Range, typename BinaryOperator, typename T>
auto reduce(Range&& r, BinaryOperator&& f, T identity)

Reduce takes a range r and produces the sum of its elements with respect to a given binary operator f and identity value. By default, the binary operator is std::plus<>, and the initial value is 0 in the value type of the range. The result type is T, the same as the identity element. Note that this means that if you pass a literal 0 as identity, the result type will be int, regardless of the value type of r.

For each / Apply

template<typename Range,  typename UnaryFunction>
void for_each(Range&& r, UnaryFunction&& f)

template<typename Range, typename UnaryFunction>
void apply(Range&& r, UnaryFunction&& f)  // Alias of for_each

The for each operation (a.ka. apply) takes a range r and a unary function f on the reference type of r, and applies f to each element of r in parallel. The return value of f, if any, is ignored.