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Usage: #include <parlay/sequence.h>

template <
    typename T,
    typename Allocator = parlay::allocator<T>,
    bool EnableSSO = std::is_same_v<T, char>
> class sequence

A sequence is a parallel version of std::vector. It supports the same operations, but performs all initialization, updates, and destruction in parallel. Like std::vector, it stores all elements contiguously, and hence is a random-access range. It optionally supports small-size optimization, where sequences of trivial types that fit inside the sequence object will be stored inline without performing any heap allocations. A convenience alias, short_sequence<T, Allocator>, is provided, which is equivalent to sequence<T, Allocator, true>.


Template parameters


template<typename T, typename Allocator = /* default allocator */>
using short_sequence = sequence<T, Allocator, true>;

short_sequence is an alias for sequence with small-size optimisation enabled by default.

using chars = sequence<char, /* default allocator */, true>;

chars is an alias for a short-size optimized character sequence. You can think of chars as either an abbreviation of “char sequence”, or as the plural of char. Both make sense!


sequence(const sequence& s)
sequence(sequence&& rv) noexcept

Constructs an empty sequence, a copy of the given sequence, or moves the given sequence respectively.

sequence(size_t n)
sequence(size_t n, const value_type& t) 

Constructs a sequence consisting of n value initialized elements of type T, or of n copies of the value t.

template<typename _Iterator> sequence(_Iterator i, _Iterator j)
sequence(std::initializer_list<value_type> l)

Constructs a sequence consisting of copies of the elements of the iterator range (i, j], or copies of the elements of the initializer list l.

Member types

Type Definition
value_type T
reference T&
const_reference const T&
difference_type std::ptrdiff_t
size_type std::size_t
pointer T*
const_pointer const T*
iterator T*
const_iterator const T*
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
view_type slice<iterator, iterator>
const_view_type slice<const_iterator, const_iterator>

Member functions


Function Description
iterator begin() Iterator to the beginning of the sequence
iterator end() Iterator to the end of the sequence
const_iterator cbegin() const Constant iterator to the beginning of the sequence
const_iterator cend() const Constant iterator to the end of the sequence
reverse_iterator rbegin() Reverse iterator to the end of the sequence
reverse_iterator rend() Reverse iterator to the beginning of the sequence
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const Constant reverse iterator to the end of the sequence
const_reverse_iterator crend() const Constant reverse iterator to the beginning of the sequence

The non-const functions for each iterator type also have corresponding const overloads.


Function Description
size_type size() const Returns the length of the sequence
size_type max_size() const Returns the maximum possible length of a sequence
bool empty() const Returns true if the sequence is empty
size_type capacity() const Returns the current capacity of the sequence
void reserve(size_t n) Request that the capacity of the sequence be at least n

Element access

Function Description
value_type* data() Returns a pointer to the underlying raw data buffer
value_type& operator[](size_type i) Returns a reference to the element at position i
value_type& at(size_type i) Same as operator[], but throws an exception if i is out of range
value_type& front() Returns a reference to the first element of the sequence
value_type& back() Returns a reference to the last element of the sequence

Each of these also has a corresponding const overload that returns a const reference or pointer.

Bulk element access

Function Description
view_type head(iterator p) Returns a slice corresponding to all elements of the sequence before p
view_type head(size_type len) Returns a slice corresponding to the first len elements of the sequence
view_type tail(iterator p) Returns a slice corresponding to all elements from p onwards
view_type tail(size_type len) Returns a slice corresponding to the final len elements of the sequence
view_type cut(size_type begin, size_type end) Returns a slice corresponding to the elements between indices begin and end
sequence subseq(size_type begin, size_type end) const Returns a new sequence containing the elements between indices begin and end
sequence substr(size_type begin) const Returns a new sequence containing the elements from position begin until the end of the sequence
sequence substr(size_type begin, size_type len) const Returns a new sequence containing the next len elements starting at position begin

For all of the methods that returns a view_type, if the sequence is mutable, the resulting view is also mutable. Each of the view_type methods also has a corresponding const overload that returns an immutable view.


Function Description
template<typename... Args> iterator emplace(iterator p, Args&&... args) Constructs an element of type T from the given arguments and inserts it at the position in the sequence pointed to by p
template<typename... Args> iterator emplace_back(Args&&... args) Constructs an element of type T from the given arguments and appends it to the end of the sequence
iterator push_back(const value_type& v) Appends a copy of the value v to the end of the sequence
iterator push_back(value_type&& v) Moves the value v to append it to the end of the sequence
iterator insert(iterator p, const value_type& v) Inserts a copy of the value v at the position in the sequence pointed to by p
iterator insert(iterator p, value_type&& v) Moves the value v to insert it at the position in the sequence pointed to by p

These functions all return an iterator to the newly inserted value.


Function Description
template<typename _Iterator> void assign(_Iterator i, _Iterator j) Clears the sequence and assigns it to contain copies of the elements in the iterator range [i, j)
void assign(size_type n, const value_type& v) Clears the sequence and assigns it to contain n copies of the value v
void assign(std::initializer_list<value_type> l) Clears the sequence and assigns it to contain copies of the elements in the initializer list l
template<typename R> void assign(R&& r) Clears the sequence and assigns it to contain copies of the elements in the iterable range r
void resize(size_type new_size) Resize the sequence to new_size. If new_size is larger than the current size, the sequence is extended with default constructed elements of type T.
void resize(size_type new_size, const value_type& v) Resize the sequence to new_size. If new_size is larger than the current size, the sequence is extended with copies of the value v.

Bulk insertion

Function Description
iterator append(size_t n, const value_type& v) Appends n copies of the value v to the end of the sequence
template<typename _Iterator> iterator append(_Iterator first, _Iterator last) Append copies of the elements contained in the iterator range [first, last) to the end of the sequence
template<typename R> iterator append(R&& r) Appends copies of the elements of the range r to the end of the sequence. If the given range is an rvalue, its contents will be moved
iterator insert(iterator p, size_t n, const value_type& v) Inserts n copies of the value v at the position in the sequence pointed to by p
template<typename R> iterator insert(iterator p, R&& r) Inserts copies of the elements of the iterable range r at the position in the sequence pointed to by p
template<typename _Iterator> iterator insert(iterator p, _Iterator i, _Iterator j) Inserts copies of the elements contained in the iterator range [first, last) at the position in the sequence pointed to by p
iterator insert(iterator p, std::initializer_list<value_type> l) Insert copies of the contents of the initializer list l at the position in the sequence pointed to by p

These functions all return an iterator to the beginning of the range of the newly inserted elements.


Function Description
iterator erase(iterator q) Removes the element at the position in the sequence pointed to by q. Returns a pointer to the element that is now at the position that was previously pointed to by q
void pop_back() Removes the last element of the sequence
void clear() Removes all elements of the sequence

Bulk deletion

Function Description
iterator erase(iterator q1, iterator q2) Removes all elements in the iterator range [q1, q2) and returns a pointer to the element now at the position that was previously pointed to by q1
sequence pop_tail(iterator p) Removes all elements of the sequence from that pointed to by p onwards and returns a new sequence consisting of the removed elements
sequence pop_tail(size_type len) Removes the last len elements from the sequence and returns a new sequence consisting of the removed elements


Function Description
bool operator==(const sequence& other) const Compare two sequences for equality
bool operator!=(const sequence& b) const Compare two sequences for inequality
void swap(sequence& b) Swap the contents the sequence with another
sequence& operator=(sequence b) Copy and move assignment
sequence& operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> l) Assignment from an initializer list


sequence<T, Allocator, EnableSSO>::uninitialized(size_t n)

Returns a sequence of size n containing uninitialized memory. If T is a non-trivial type, memory must be initialized before any operation that could resize, delete, or otherwise destroy any element of the sequence, or this will lead to undefined behaviour. Use with caution.

sequence<T, Allocator, EnableSSO>::from_function(size_t n, F&& f)

Returns a sequence consisting of elements of type T constructed from f(0), f(1), ..., f(n-1). Prefer to use parlay::tabulate instead, which can deduce the types for you.

Non-member functions

template<typename R>
auto to_sequence(R&& r) -> sequence<range_value_type_t<R>>
template<typename R>
auto to_short_sequence(R&& r) -> short_sequence<range_value_type_t<R>>

Return a sequence or short sequence respectively, consisting of copies of the elements of the random-access range r.