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Usage: #include <parlay/slice.h>

template <
    typename It,
    typename S
> struct slice

A slice is a non-owning view of a random-access iterator range. It represents a pair of iterators, and allows for conveniently traversing and accessing the elements of the corresponding iterator range.


Template parameters


slice(iterator s, sentinel e);

Construct a slice corresponding to the iterator range [s, e).

slice(const slice<It,S>&)
slice<It,S>& operator=(const slice<It,S>&);

The copy and move constructors simply copy or move the underlying iterators respectively.

Member types

Type Definition
iterator It
sentinel S
value_type std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type
reference std::iterator_traits<iterator>::reference

Member functions

Function Description
reference operator[](size_t i) const Return a reference to the i’th element of the range
size_t size() const Return the number of elements in the range
slice<It, It> cut(size_t ss, size_t ee) const Return a slice corresponding to the elements from positions ss to ee in the range
iterator begin() const Return the iterator to the beginning of the range
sentinel end() const Return the sentinel iterator that denotes the end of the range


template<typename It, typename S>
slice<It, S> make_slice(It it, S s);
template<typename R>
slice<range_iterator_type_t<R>, range_sentinel_type_t<R>> make_slice(R&& r);

Returns a slice that views the iterator range [it, s), or the given random-access range r.

Non-member functions

Function Description
bool operator==(slice<It, S> s1, slice<It, S> s2) const Returns true if the given slices refer to the same iterator range

Note that operator== is only well defined when the two slices refer to iterator ranges that are subranges of the same range. Comparing iterators from different containers is undefined behavior.