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Including and Configuring

ParlayLib is a lightweight header-only library, so it is easy to integrate into your new or existing projects. There are many ways to accomplish this. Choose whichever works best for your project.

Approaches for including Parlay

Installing globally and including via CMake

Parlay comes configured to work with CMake, so if CMake is your preferred choice of build system, integrating Parlay is straightforward. To install Parlay, create a build directory (any name is fine) in the Parlay root directory, and from that build directory, run the following

cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install

The default installation path is usually /usr/local/. If you’d like to install it somewhere else, add the DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option like so:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/your/custom/installation/path
cmake --build . --target install

You may need to run the installation step with sudo depending on the chosen installation path. Now that Parlay is installed, you can locate and include it via CMake by adding the following to the CMakeLists.txt of your project

find_package(Parlay REQUIRED)

If your chosen installation path is not one of the defaults, you may need to aid CMake in locating it by setting the flag CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. You can then link Parlay to any of your CMake targets by writing

target_link_libraries(my_target <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> Parlay::parlay)

Using CMake’s FetchContent

Rather than installing Parlay globally, if you are using CMake, you can configure your build to download and link to its own internal copy of Parlay using the FetchContent module. To do so, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

  GIT_TAG         master
if(NOT parlaylib_POPULATED)
  add_subdirectory(${parlaylib_SOURCE_DIR} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)

You can replace master with a particular commit hash, tag, or branch if you need a specific version of the code. Then, to link Parlay with your target, just write

target_link_libraries(my_target <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> parlay)

Including manually or with another build system

If you use a different build system, you have the option of installing Parlay via CMake (see above), or installing it manually, and then including it manually or via your preferred build system. If you install Parlay to a location that is not in your compiler’s include path, you should tell your compiler where to find it by adding an include flag (or your build system’s equivalent) like so.


To ensure that Parlay builds correctly, make sure that you are compiling with C++17 (or better) enabled by adding -std=c++17 (or later) or your compiler’s equivalent (e.g. /std:c++17 on Microsoft) to your compiler options. You’ll also need threading support, which is usually achieved via one of the flags -pthread, -pthreads, or your operating system’s equivalent.

Copying the code directly into your project

If fancy build systems are not your thing, the tried and tested way to include Parlay in your project is to simply copy the source code of Parlay directly into your own project. Since the library is header only, this should work out of the box, assuming you add the required flags (C++17 and threading support, see above). One possible way to do this while still enabling updates to ParlayLib is to include it as a Git submodule of your project’s Git repository.

Configuring parallel execution

Using Parlay with Cilk, OpenMP, or TBB

If you’re already using CilkPlus, OpenCilk, OpenMP, or Thread Building Blocks (TBB), and just want to use Parlay’s algorithms without its parallel scheduler, that is easy to do. Parlay has built-in integration for these tools making it seamless to integrate.

There are two ways to enable this integration, either by setting a corresponding CMake flag if you are using CMake to include Parlay, or by manually setting some compiler flags if not. The CMake method is recommended since it should work on all platforms without any changes. Without CMake, the required flags may be different depending on your system and compiler.

Tool CMake flag E.g. manual flags (Linux) Notes
CilkPlus -DPARLAY_CILKPLUS=On -DPARLAY_CILKPLUS -fcilkplus Requires GCC 7 (removed in later versions)
OpenCilk -DPARLAY_OPENCILK=On -DPARLAY_OPENCILK -fopencilk Requires the OpenCilk compiler
OpenMP -DPARLAY_OPENMP=On -DPARLAY_OPENMP -fopenmp Requires an OpenMP runtime compatible with your compiler
TBB -DPARLAY_TBB=On -DPARLAY_TBB -ltbb Requires linking against the TBB library

Setting the number of worker threads

The number of worker threads used by Parlay can be controled by setting the environment variable PARLAY_NUM_THREADS, assuming you are using Parlay’s default scheduler. If you are using Cilk or OpenMP, you will need to use their equivalents instead (CILK_NWORKERS for Cilk and OMP_NUM_THREADS for OpenMP). TBB does not provide an environment variable, but you can control the number of threads using the task arena interface.