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The PBBS Benchmarks

New version of pbbs benchmarks

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)

Given n points in 2 and 3 dimensions find the k nearest neighbors for each point based on Euclidean distance. The input is a sequence of points, each of which is a pair (2d) or tripple (3d) of double-precision floating-point numbers. The value k is specified as a parameter to the program. The output is a sequence n tuples of length k each. Each tuple identifies the indices of its k nearest neighbors from the input sequence (zero based).

Default Input Distributions

The default distributions are the following:

The large size is n = 10 million, and the small size is n = 1 million.

Input and Output File Formats

The input needs to be in the points file format. The output needs to be in the sequence file format with a total of (n x k) entries and integer type. Each point corresponds to k adjacent entries, where points are ordered as in the input.