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The PBBS Benchmarks

New version of pbbs benchmarks

N-body Force Calculation (NBODY)

Given n points in 3 dimensions calculate the gravitational force vector on each point due to all other points. This force vector can be an approximation. For this benchmark we use a gravitational constant of 1 giving the force between two particles located at r1 and r2 as:

F12 = m1 m2 (r2 - r1)/ ||(r2 - r1)||3.

The input is a sequence of 3-d points, each coordinate which is a double-precision floating-point number. The output is a sequence of equal length containing a 3-d vector for each of the points, again in double-precision floating-point precision for each coordinate. We say a reported force F’ has error bound epsilon if

|| F - F’ || / || F || < epsilon,

where F is the actual force. By default all reported forces must have an error bound of epsilon = 10-6. Ideally there should be a input parameter that gives an accuracy, time tradeoff.

Default Input Distributions

The default distributions are the following:

The large size is n = 1 million, and the small size is n = .1 million.

Input and Output File Formats

The input and output need to be in the 3dpoints file format.