Maximal Independent Set (MIS)
Given a undirected graph return a maximal independent set for the graph. The input graph can be in any format (as long as it does not encode the MIS somehow). Also the code cannot reorder the graph for locality. The output needs to be a sequence of the vertices appearing in the MIS. It need not be in sorted order.
Default Input Distributions
The default input graphs are as follows:
Random local graph with approximately n vertices and 20n edges. It should be generated using:
randLocalGraph -j -d 3 -m <10n> <n> <filename>
= 20 million for large instances and 2 million for small. -
An RMAT graph with parameters (.2,.125,.125,.55) and about 12n edges. It should be generated using:
rMatGraph -j -a .55 -b .125 -m <12n> <n> <filename>
= 16 million for large instances and 2.25 million for small. -
A 3 dimensional grid generated using:
gridGraph -j -d 3 <n> <filename>
= 64 million for large instances and 8 million for small.
Input and Output File Formats
The input is a graph in the in the adjacency graph file format. The output is a sequence of integers corresponding to the locations of all vertices in the MIS (0 based). The output needs to be in the sequence format.