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The PBBS Benchmarks

New version of pbbs benchmarks

Delaunay Refinement (DR)

Given a Delaunay triangulation in 2 dimensions, return a Delaunay triangulation that includes all original points plus additional points such that no triangle has an angle smaller than a threshold Theta. The input is a sequence of points, each a pair of double-precision floating-point numbers, and a sequence of triangles. The triangles are a tripple of indices, indicating the position of their corners in the point sequence (zero-based). The input must be a valid Delaunay triangulation.

The output is another valid Delaunay triangulation in the same format. The points must start with the input points in the same order, and can contain additional points after them. Furthermore the output triangles cannot have any angles smaller than Theta.

Default Input Distributions

For this benchmark the input triangulation is generated using a Delaunay triangulation on various point distributions. These triangulations are generated using the PBBSbench code for Delaunay triangulations, which also adds in a small number of boundary points beyond the original input points. The point sets are non degenerate.

The large size is n = 10 million, and the small size is n = 1 million.

Input and Output File Formats

The input and output need to be in triangle file format.