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The PBBS Benchmarks

New version of pbbs benchmarks

Burrows Wheeler Decode (BWD)

This benchmark does an inverse Burrows-Wheeler transform. It takes a sequence of characters as input, which have been ordered by a Burrows-Wheeler transform.

The specific Burrows-Wheeler transform we use is to sort each character in a string by the string that appears immediately after it. To identify the front, the string is padded with a null character at the front (i.e. when written and read from file should be read as a binary file). As an example consider the string “abcabcab”. After padding (marked with $), we have the characters with their following string:

    $ abcabcab
    a bcabcab
    b cabcab
    c abcab
    a bcab
    b cab
    c ab
    a b

Now if we sort the characters by their string, we get

     c ab
     c abcab
     $ abcabcab  
     a b
     a bcab
     a bcabcab
     b cab
     b cabcab

Hence we output bcc$aaabb. This string uniquely defines the original string which can be found using the inverse BW transform. Converting it back is the task of this benchmark. The standard algorithm is to sort the characters which then links each character with its previous character. This forms a linked list of length n, which needs to be followed. Details can be found in descriptions of the BW transform.

We supply code for encoding a string into the BW format as described. It can be found in algorithm/bw_encode.h.

Default Input Distributions

We use three strings for the large input:

And three for the small input:

`. - `chr22.dna` : A dna string. - `wikisamp.xml` : a smaller sample from wikipedia. ### Input and Output File Formats The input is a binary file containing exactly one null character corresponding to the start. The output is a binary file not containing any null characters. It will be one character shorter than the input (null character removed). It must correspond to the original string that generated the input file by the algorithm described above.