PBBS Listing of Benchmarks
Here we include a listing for each benchmark. Follow the link for the benchmark to get more details, including the input/output specification and the default distributions.
We break the benchmarks into four broad categories, and other.
Basic Building Blocks
comparisonSort (SORT)
Returns the sorted input based on a comparison-based sort. -
histogram (HIST)
Returns the histogram for a sequence of integers. -
integerSort (ISORT)
Sorts a sequence of integers, possibly with tag-along values. -
removeDuplicates (DDUP)
Returns the input sequence with duplicates removed.
Graph Algorithms
breadthFirstSearch (BFS)
Returns a breadth-first-search tree from a given vertex in a graph. -
maximalIndependentSet (MIS)
Returns a maximal independent set for an undirected graph. -
maximalMatching (MM)
Returns a maximal matching for an undirected graph. -
minSpanningForest (MSF)
Returns a minimum spanning forest of a weighed undirected graph. -
spanningForest (SF)
Returns a spanning forest of an undirected graph.
Text Processing
BWDecode (BWD)
Decodes a string encoded with the Burrows-Wheeler transform. -
invertedIndex (IIDX)
Returns an inverted index given a string of documents. -
longestRepeatedSubstring (LRS)
Returns the longest repeated substring in a string. -
suffixArray (SA)
Returns the suffix array for a string. -
wordCounts (WC)
Counts the number of occurrences of each word in a string.
Computational Geometry/Graphics
convexHull (CH)
Returns the convex hull for a set of points in 2 dimensions. -
delaunayRefine (DR)
Adds points to a Delaunay triangulation (DT) in 2d, so resulting DT has no small angles. -
delaunayTriangulation (DT)
Returns the Delaunay triangulation of points in 2d. -
nearestNeighbors (KNN)
Returns the k nearest neighbors for points in 2d and 3d. -
rayCast (RAY)
For a set of rays and a set of triangles returns the first triangle each ray intersects. -
rangeQuery2d (RQ)
For a set of points and a set of rectangles, returns a count of the number of points in each rectangle.