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The PBBS Benchmarks

New version of pbbs benchmarks

The PBBS Benchmark Suite (V2)

This documents the Problem Based Benchmark Suite (PBBS), a collection of over 20 benchmarks defined in terms of their IO characteristics. They are designed to make it possible to compare different algorithms, or implementations in different programming languages.

The current benchmarks are listed here.

For each benchmark the suite provides:

The benchmarks are designed to be agnostic to the programming language. However, the framework is mostly in C++ and some of the tools are easier to use with C++. For example there is a timing driver for C++ that can be linked with any implementation of a benchmark.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. More Details

Getting Started

The benchmark suite can be downloaded from github using:

> git clone

It uses two submodules, which can be initialized with:

> git submodule update --init


The benchmarks have been tested on Ubuntu and MacOS.

The software requirements are:

The system requirements are

The following are not required, but will give better performance

Running the benchmarks

The command ./runall will compile and run all the benchmarks reported but will take a couple hours. For a faster run, try:

  ./runall -par -small

This only compiles and runs the parallel benchmarks, which run much faster, and on significantly smaller input data (an order of magnitude smaller for some benchmarks). This runs in 12 minutes on a 20 core (40 hyperthread) machine.

You can also test individual benchmarks. For example, you can test the parallel comparison sort using:

  ./runall -only comparisonSort/sampleSort

This will run the parallel sampleSort on the default (full sized) inputs. The call

  ./runall -small -only comparisonSort/sampleSort

will run it on the smaller inputs. More details on arguments are given below.

More Details

Options for runall

The ./runall has the following options which can be extracted by using ./runall -h.

  -scale    : this runs it on a range of different thread counts up the the number of threads on the machine
  -small    : runs tests on smaller inputs (calls ./testInput_small instead of ./testInput).
  -par      : only run benchmarks that are parallel (saves time)
  -only <name>   : only run a particular benchmark
  -notime   : only compile the benchmarks
  -nonuma   : don't use numactl
  -nocheck  : don't check correctness of results (saves time)

For the -only option use the path to the implementation, e.g.

  ./runall -only comparisonSort/sampleSort

The Benchmarks Directories

Within the benchmarks directory at toplevel is a subdirectory for each of the benchmarks. The benchmarks page gives a listing of these the benchmarks along with their specification.

Within each benchmarks is a subdirectory for each of the implementations. Each benchmark also has some directories shared across implementations. In particular each has a directory called bench which contains the driver code, testing code, and specification of default inputs. Each benchmark also has a xxxData page containing data generators for the benchmark (here xxx varies by benchmark).

Within each implementation directory, you can run make to make the executable, and then run ./testInputs to run the benchmarks. These are run automatically by the ./runall script. On a machine with multiple chips, using numactl -i all ./testInputs will give better results. ./testInputs_small will use the smaller inputs.

The testInputs script has several options including:

  -x : do not check the output
  -r <count>  : number of rounds to use
  -p <count>  : number of threads to use

The actual inputs are specified in the script and can be changed if desired.

Input Instances and Data Generators

Each benchmark has suggested input instances. There are two sets of such instances, one small, and the other large. Many instances are synthetic and generated by one of our data generators. All the data generators are in the toplevel directory testData. There are three subdirectories sequenceData, graphData and geometryData, each with its own generators. The various testing scripts (e.g., runAll and testInputs) compile and run the generators so there should be no need to generate the data by hand. By default generated test inputs are deleted after reuse.

Timing the Benchmarks

Users can use the benchmark suite as they please, but here are the expectations for timing an implementation so that it can be properly compared with other implementations, including the default ones. We do not expect a full end-to-end timing of the executable because often the time is dominated by reading the input file and possibly writing an output file, which have little to do with the benchmark. Instead we expect a benchmark to wrap a timer (real time) around the benchmark itself.

The reading of the data should be before the timing starts, and at the start the input data should be of the type suggested by the benchmark — e.g. a sequence, or graph. In general it does not matter how this input is formatted. For graphs, for example, either adjacency-arrays or edge arrays are fine. However, the data cannot be pre-processed in any significant way. For example, the edges of a weighted graph cannot be sorted by weight (this would make MST much faster), and the vertices should not be reordered for locality. If someone is interested in studying the benefit of reordering, for example, we suggest they create new input instances that are reordered how they want. In this way they could be compared with other code in a fair way.

It is considered fine to run the benchmark a few times before starting the timing. This can ensure, for example, that virtual memory is paged in. However, it is of course important the runs do no leave problem specific information (e.g. cached partial results) that would benefit future runs.

The result type of the benchmark should be as described in the benchmark specification–e.g., a sequence, or a string. As with the input there is flexibility on representation. However, the result cannot be “lazy” in that it is not fully computed, and to be completed when output to a file. Outputting the result to a file for the purpose of checking it, or other checking of correctness within the benchmark, should be outside of the timing.

The Driver

A benchmark implementation should generate a driver executable. The driver executable should allow the user to specify an input file, an optional output file, and how many times they want to run it. To use it with our testInputs script the command line should be of the form:

  <bench> [-o <outfile>] [-r <numrounds>] <infile>

Other arguments are welcome. Each benchmark expects the driver executable <bench> to have a specific name, e.g. sort for comparison sort.

To use with the testInput script the driver should report times to stdout, one per run on its own line in the format:

PBBS Time: <seconds>

Any other output is ignored. We supply C++ driver code so if written in C++ the user can just define a function with the specified input format and output format. If they want to use a different input format, they will have to modify the driver.

Checking Correctness

Most benchmarks come with programs that test for correctness. Some where there is no absolute correctness criteria, report some measure of acccuracy instead. For example the classify checker reports the percentage of the test vectors that were correctly classified. The checking is file based (to allow cross language communication). Most checkers take the original input file, as well as the output file generated by the benchmark, and check the two against each other, reporting any errors it finds. If nothing is reported, the test passed. We cannot guarantee that all checkers completely checks for correctness.