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Associative Operations (Monoids)

Many of Parlay’s algorithms, such as reduce and scan, can take an optional argument that specifies how elements should be combined. This argument should be a binary f with an identity element (an element I such that f(x,I) = f(I,x) = x for any x), sometimes called a monoid.

Built-in associative operations

Parlay comes with a set of common associative operations with appropriate identities.

Operation Default Identity Description
plus<T> T{0} Adds two elements using operator+
multiplies<T> T{1} Multiplies two elements using operator*
logical_and<T> T{true} Multiplies two elements using operator&&
logical_or<T> T{false} Adds two element using operator||
bit_or<T> T{0} Adds two elements using operator|
bit_xor<T> T{0} Adds two element using operator^
bit_and<T> ~T{0} Multiplies two elements using operator&
maximum<T> numeric_limits<T>::lowest() Returns the greater of two elements using operator>
minimum<T> numeric_limits<T>::max() Returns the lesser of two elements using operator<

User-defined operations

The easiest way to define your own custom associative operation with an identity is to use the binary_op function, which takes two arguments: the associative function and the identity. For example, suppose you had a BasicMatrix<N> class which represents an NxN matrix, and a function matrix_add, which takes two matrices and produces their sum. This could be used with Parlay’s reduce and scan operations by creating a custom associative operation like so

template<typename T, size_t N>
struct BasicMatrix {
  T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) { return m[i][j]; }
  const T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const { return m[i][j]; }

  BasicMatrix() : m(N, std::vector<T>(N)) {}
  static BasicMatrix zero() { return {}; }

  std::vector<std::vector<T>> m;

template<size_t N>
auto matrix_add(BasicMatrix<int, N> a, const BasicMatrix<int, N>& b) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      a(i, j) += b(i, j);
  return a;

auto matrix3_op = parlay::binary_op(matrix_add<3>, BasicMatrix<int,3>::zero());