
Data Tools

ParlayANN provides various useful tools for manipulating and reading datasets in common formats. For all of the examples below, it is assumed that the BIGANN dataset is downloaded and stored in ParlayANN/data/sift. You can do this using the following commandline:

mkdir -p data && cd data
tar -xf sift.tar.gz

You then need to convert two of the datasets from the .fvecs format to the binary format as follows:

make vec_to_bin
./vec_to_bin float ../data/sift/sift_learn.fvecs ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin
./vec_to_bin float ../data/sift/sift_query.fvecs ../data/sift/sift_query.fbin

Compute Groundtruth

ParlayANN supports computing the exact groundtruth for k-nearest neighbors for bin files files. The commandline for computing the groundtruth takes the following parameters:

  1. -base_path: pointer to the base file, which ground truth will be calculate with respect to.
  2. -query_path: pointer to the query file, for which the ground truth will be calculated.
  3. -data_type: type of the query and base files. Current options are “uint8”, “int8”, and “float”.
  4. -k: the number of nearest neighbors to calculate. Default is 100.
  5. -dist_func: the distance function to use when computing the ground truth. Current options are “euclidian” for Euclidian distance and “mips” for maximum inner product.
  6. -gt_path: the path where the new groundtruth file will be written

The following is an example of how to compute the groundtruth for a 100K slice of the BIGANN dataset:

make compute_groundtruth
./compute_groundtruth -base_path ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin -query_path ../data/sift/sift_query.fbin -data_type float -k 100 -dist_func Euclidian -gt_path ../data/sift/sift-100K

Compute Range Groundtruth

We also support computing groundtruth for range search, i.e. finding all points in a given radius. The commandline takes the following parameters:

  1. -base_path: pointer to the base file, which ground truth will be calculate with respect to.
  2. -query_path: pointer to the query file, for which the ground truth will be calculated.
  3. -data_type: type of the query and base files. Current options are “uint8”, “int8”, and “float”.
  4. -rad: the radius for which to calculate the groundtruth.
  5. -dist_func: the distance function to use when computing the ground truth. Current options are “euclidian” for Euclidian distance and “mips” for maximum inner product.
  6. -gt_path: the path where the new groundtruth file will be written

An example commandline is as follows:

make compute_range_groundtruth
./compute_groundtruth -base_path ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin -query_path ../data/sift/sift_query.fbin -data_type float -rad 5000 -dist_func Euclidian -gt_path ../data/sift/sift-100K-range

The range groundtruth is written in binary format in integers. It consists of first the number of datapoints, followed by the total number of range results for the whole dataset, followed by the number of results for each individual point, followed by the result ids.

File Conversion

ParlayANN supports converting a .vecs file to a .bin file for vectors with float, uint8, and int coordinates. An example commandline:

make vec_to_bin
./vec_to_bin float ../data/sift/sift_learn.fvecs ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin


Crop a file to the desired size:

make crop
./crop ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin 50000 float ../data/sift/sift_50K.fbin

Random Sampling

Take a random sample of desired size from a file:

make random_sample
./random_sample ../data/sift/sift_learn.fbin 50000 float ../data/sift/sift_50K_random.fbin